EMPSi Projects: Transportation and Travel Management EIS, CO — EMPSi

Transportation and Travel Management EIS, CO

CLIENT: Pike and San Isabel National Forests

Pikes Peak Highway on the PSI, location of the world famous annual Pikes Peak Hill Climb

Pikes Peak Highway on the PSI, location of the world famous annual Pikes Peak Hill Climb

EMPSi worked with the Pike and San Isabel National Forests (PSI) on an EIS to evaluate thousands of miles of public road and trail infrastructure across a 2-million-acre decision area. We integrated the forest's extensive GIS data to create a range of alternatives for road and trail systems, and used this information to develop presentation materials and maps for use in public meetings and a project-specific website. These outreach efforts were uniformly praised for their excellence in making data available to the public and for the clarity of the presentation materials.

The public expressed significant interest in how the PSI would manage their road and trail infrastructure, and submitted thousands of comments on issues such as motor vehicle recreation and off-highway vehicle use, socioeconomic effects to surrounding communities, route maintenance, and potential impacts to wildlife and non-motorized recreation. We worked closely with PSI roads, trails, and other staff to integrate this information into the draft EIS, final EIS, and draft Record of Decision.


  • Includes two National Forests covering more than 2 million acres in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado

  • Evaluated thousands of miles of public road and trail infrastructure in the EIS

  • Detailed GIS analyses of transportation data

  • Complex and controversial project with extensive public involvement

  • Developed presentation materials and standalone project website that received consistent praise from agencies and the public

Motor vehicle recreation on the PSI

Motor vehicle recreation on the PSI