EMPSi Projects: Salt Wells Geothermal Plants and Transmission Line EIS, NV — EMPSi

Salt Wells Geothermal Plants and Transmission Line EIS, NV

CLIENT: NV Energy, Ormat Technologies, and Gradient Resources

Geothermal plant near the Salt Wells project area (Photograph courtesy of the US Department of Energy)

Geothermal plant near the Salt Wells project area (Photograph courtesy of the US Department of Energy)


  • EMPSi managed a complex NEPA process and streamlined three separate industry proposals into a single EIS, saving considerable time and cost

  • Efficiently evaluated six potential geothermal power plants and associated infrastructure

  • Permitted a new 22-mile 230-kV transmission line

  • Facilitated a streamlined nexus with existing corporate practices for future construction, operations, and maintenance

En route to the Salt Wells project area

En route to the Salt Wells project area

EMPSi successfully prepared a single fast-tracked, third-party EIS that evaluated a series of energy development proposals on BLM and Bureau of Reclamation lands from three separate companies—saving NV Energy, Ormat Technologies, and Gradient Resources valuable time, money, and regulatory red tape. The proposed energy projects included geothermal development and power plants, along with right-of-way applications for access roads, transmission lines, substations, and switching facilities in rural Nevada.

By unifying these controversial projects into a single NEPA effort, we were able to adhere to an aggressive project schedule and find common solutions to broad project challenges such as public perception issues and sensitive cultural and biological resources. As a result, EMPSi developed creative design features and visual simulations; we also facilitated high-level meetings with the BLM and cooperators, and led proactive outreach with a wide range of Tribes, agencies, local governments, and private landowners to share important information and engage and solicit meaningful comments.